Restaurant Franchise Success Stories

Learning From the Best: Restaurant Franchise Success Stories

One of the most effective ways to get an understanding of what it takes to run a franchise is to learn from experience. Connecting with current owners and getting to know them and their restaurant franchise success stories can help educate potential owners and point them toward the brand and industry that work best for their business approach and long-term plans.

We went to the source and reached out to Hotshots Sports Bar and Grill franchise owners to get their perspective, hear their restaurant franchise success stories, and get some critical advice that can aid other prospective owners as they plan their careers.

  • Plan for the future …
  • … But remain flexible and ready to adjust
  • Find the right brand for you
  • Keep a focus on support

1. Plan For the Future…

Every franchise owner has their own approach and individual way of finding their personal restaurant franchise success stories. But they all agree that having a clear destination and a plan for getting there are essential when preparing to get started.

Having a roadmap already in place helps eliminate wasted time and energy and can allow a potential owner to move ahead confidently. It lets an owner launch their franchise with an understanding of what to expect along the way and aids them in setting targets for themselves and their team to work toward.

Establish Long-Term Goals and Expectations

Hotshots franchise owner Don Wilburn had a plan from the outset. He kept it in mind throughout his brand search and onboarding, and it played a significant role in keeping him focused on the future, moving toward his next milestones, and writing his own entry in the brand’s restaurant franchise success stories.

“When we went in, we knew we wanted to do multiple units, so that was a given from the beginning,” Don says. He and his team planned big from day one, and it bonded them into a unit working together for a common cause.

2. … But Stay Flexible and Be Ready to Adjust as Needed

A franchise that launches with expectations for the future can be well-positioned for growth. But building restaurant franchise success stories takes more than a promising beginning and a roadmap — the unexpected can and often does happen when operating a business.

The franchises with staying power recognize change when it arrives and are structured to adjust their business model on the fly to stay ahead of the times. Keeping flexible and responsive can be an essential quality in a brand.

Be Prepared to Grow When the Opportunity Arises

Don Wilburn built flexibility in his plans when he got into the business. That foresight meant that he and his Hotshots franchise were prepared to expand when the opportunity arose, helping him to create another standout in the history of restaurant franchise success stories.

“We had planned to [expand] every three years, but our success out of the gate was so good that we were able to do that in 18 months,” says Don. “It was almost a turnkey process.”

3. Find an Experienced Brand

Operating a franchise in the restaurant industry takes drive, a community spirit, and a love of good food and drink. It can also require a certain level of restaurant or bar experience to begin with confidence.

That doesn’t mean interested inquirers who begin their search with limited industry experience can’t become restaurant owners, though. A brand can give its owners the experience and knowledge base they need and help them become restaurant franchise success stories.

An Existing Concept with a Proven Track Record

That tactic guided Hotshots Sports Bar and Grill franchise owner Matt Hotep when he began thinking about ownership and looking into brands. He knew he needed to find an established franchise with a history of growth and development, and he immediately connected with Hotshots.

“We really didn’t know anything about the restaurant business or bar business before we got in,” Matt says. “So it was a must for us to have a concept in place.”

4. Keep a Focus on Support

Becoming a restaurant owner and creating new restaurant franchise success stories is a team effort. The owner needs to know they’ve got support behind them, ready to step in and make a difference when it counts.

That support should be a part of the franchising experience from the first time the future owner contacts the brand. And it can be critical to getting started right — franchise owner Matt Hotep credits Hotshots’ support with helping him get established and growing.

Training, Knowledge, and Constant Innovation

Hotshots worked with Matt to help him hire and train his staff and assisted him at all stages of buildout and onboarding. They aided him in refining his business model and introduced him to new operating methods developed through decades of experience.

“It’s really a very easy process because they go through and show you what you need to improve on,” says Matt. “And with so many proven concepts with other stores, it makes it easier on the franchisee.”

Become an Owner with Hotshots and Help Us Create New Restaurant Franchise Success Stories!

At Hotshots Sports Bar and Grill, we’ve designed our franchise around our owners’ needs. It’s helped make us a brand to watch.

We’ve got the experience and industry background needed to grow a franchise today, and we’ve created a business model that focuses on customer care, quality food, and great memories.

Hotshots is expanding into new territories, and we’re looking for future owners to come with us.

Interested in getting more facts? Contact us today!

Sports Bar Business Owner

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